Socialization of the Love Statistics Village Program (Beautiful Village): Utaurano Village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Sangihe Regency

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Socialization of the Love Statistics Village Program (Beautiful Village): Utaurano Village

Socialization of the Love Statistics Village Program (Beautiful Village): Utaurano Village

September 27, 2023 | BPS Activities

Socialization of the Love Statistics Village Program (Desa Cantik) Sangihe Islands Regency in 2023: Utaurano Village, North Sulawesi Province was carried out at the General Meeting Hall (BPU) of Utaurano Village, North Tabukan District, Sangihe Islands Regency. Socialization activities for the Beautiful Village Program were carried out.
Head of the Communications and Information Service Drs Zilfried Harikatang, ME represented the Acting Regent at this event in reading the speech of Acting. The Regent expressed his appreciation to the District Central Statistics Agency. Kepl. Sangihe who has carried out this activity. In this speech, it was also conveyed that Village Governments need to receive statistical guidance in improving their ability to manage and utilize statistical data available in their respective areas. So that villages are no longer considered as objects of development, but as subjects and spearheads of development in improving community welfare. Development policies in villages can be more targeted by being based on complete and accurate data.
Also attending the activity was the Regional Diskominfo District. Kepl. Sangihe, Regional Bapelitbang Kab. Kepl. Sangihe, District PMD Regional Service. Kepl. Sangihe, Head of North Tabukan Subdistrict, Village Elders Council, Village Apparatus, PKK, Religious and Community Leaders, LPM, Bumdes Management, Fish Cultivation Group Management, Farmers Group Management, and Utaurano Village Statistics Partners as well as District BPS employees. Kepl. Sangihe.
As a resource person in this activity was the Head of BPS, Sangihe Islands Regency, Raymond A. E. Kodoati, SE, M.Si in his presentation explaining the importance of Village Cantik 2023 to increase statistical literacy for village officials and the community as well as providing data insight in village development as well as coaching village data management .
Collaboration between BPS Kab. Kepl. Sangihe where as Data Manager and District Communication and Information Technology Agency. Kepl. Sangihe as data guardian in the 2023 Love Statistics Village activity is the first step in developing statistics in the village in an effort to realize village progress and independence.
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