Implementation of the 2020 Long Form Population Census (SP2020-LF) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Sangihe Regency

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Implementation of the 2020 Long Form Population Census (SP2020-LF)

Implementation of the 2020 Long Form Population Census (SP2020-LF)

May 15, 2022 | BPS Activities

The 2020 Population Census (continued) which is packaged in the SP2020 Long Form (LF) Data Collection will be carried out from May 15 to June 30, 2022. Long Form means that the questions to be asked to respondents are far from complete. The objectives are: to collect data related to demographic parameters (birth, migration, and death), education, disability, employment, housing, and other important information.

This activity begins with a temporary household update that takes place on 15-31 May 2022. Then it will be continued with sample selection followed by data collection on selected households on 1-30 June 2022 in all statistical work areas spread across Indonesia.

People who are selected as samples are expected to accept the arrival of officers and provide information honestly and as well as possible. The confidentiality of the data provided is guaranteed by law.

This year BPS is also more ready to design the implementation of the Advanced SP2020 field. Various adjustments have been made taking into account the safety of officers and the public during the Covid-19 pandemic. Other than face-to-face data collection modes have also been developed to minimize contact between officers and the public.
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