BPS launched the 2020 Population Census Long Form Results (Continued SP2020). The event was attended by participants from various ministries/institutions, such as the Indonesian Parliament, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, BKKBN, Ministry of Health, National Agency for Research and Innovation, academia, international institutions, and others. Data collection for the Long Form SP2020 will be carried out in all regions of Indonesia in May-June 2022. The main population indicators resulting from the Long Form SP2020 include fertility indicators, mortality indicators and population mobility. Not only demographic parameters, but also those related to education, disability, and housing.
Main Secretary of BPS, Atqo Mardiyanto launched the results of the Long Form SP2020. Ateng Hartono, Deputy for Social Statistics at BPS, said that the population is the subject and object of development, so that the population and development have a very close relationship so that they can be integrated in harmony. "Data on the results of the Long Form SP2020 provides an overview of current population development performance achievements and can be used as a basis for projecting future conditions to welcome Indonesia Gold 2045," said Ateng when explaining the results of the Long Form SP2020.
Indonesia's fertility has declined in the last five decades. The 1971 Population Census recorded a Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 5.61, which means that a woman gave birth to around 5–6 children during her reproductive period. Meanwhile, the Long Form SP2020 recorded a TFR of 2.18, which means that only about 2 children were born to women during their reproductive period. This shows that the results of the Long Form SP2020 describe the condition of Indonesia's fertility towards Replacement Level.
Related to mortality indicators, in a span of 50 years (period 1971–2022), the reduction in the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) or Infant Mortality Rate in Indonesia was almost 90 percent. The IMR decreased significantly from 26 deaths per 1,000 live births from the results of the 2010 Population Census to 16.85 deaths per 1,000 live births from the results of the Long Form SP2020.
To deepen the results of the SP2020 Long Form, a number of sources discussed it through a talk show with the theme "Utilization of the 2020 Population Census Long Form Results for Indonesia Golden 2045". The sources included Ali Said, Director of Population and Employment Statistics at BPS; Maria Endang Sumiwi, Director General of Public Health, Ministry of Health; Bonivasius Prasetya Ichtiarto, Deputy for Population Control at the BKKBN; Muhammad Cholifihani, Director of Population and Social Security; Bappenas; Ahmad Najib Burhani, Head of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Organization at BRIN; and Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo, Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia.
The full results of the Long Form SP2020 can be seen in the Official Statistics News by accessing the website http://sensus.bps.go.id.