Susenas Training March 2022 BPS Sangihe Islands Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Sangihe Regency

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Susenas Training March 2022 BPS Sangihe Islands Regency

Susenas Training March 2022 BPS Sangihe Islands Regency

February 17, 2022 | BPS Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics of the Sangihe Islands Regency will hold the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) in March 2022. Susenas is one of the routine surveys of BPS which is the main data source for development activities in the social and economic fields. Data and information generated from Susenas are always awaited and become a reference for various parties, both government and private. The indicators generated from the Susenas are also the main reference for monitoring the progress of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) every year until 2030. Thus, maintaining the quality of Susenas data is something that must really be considered and is a shared responsibility between the center and the regions.

Susenas data continuity, availability and quality must be maintained and improved. For this reason, officers consisting of supervisors and enumerators must be provided with officer training with comprehensive Standard Operating Procedures and Concepts and Definitions by competent instructors.

The March 2022 Susenas officer training was held at the Inspiration Hall Efrata Tahuna for two waves, with the instructor on behalf of Anastasya Wowompansing, S.E. The first batch was held on 17-18 February 2022 and was attended by 22 participants. The second wave was held on February 21-22 2022 and was attended by 21 participants. All training participants attended in good health and adhered to health protocols. The training is interactive from start to finish.
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