Susenas and Seruti Officer Training March 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Sangihe Regency

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Susenas and Seruti Officer Training March 2023

Susenas and Seruti Officer Training March 2023

February 9, 2023 | BPS Activities

Tahuna-BPS Sangihe Islands Regency conducted training for Susenas and Seruti officers in March 2023 with face-to-face learning (fullboard) at the Hayana Hotel. This training is carried out in 3 (three) batches for 2 (two) and 1 (one) effective day, namely:
batch 1 on 9-10 February 2023 (Susenas Material)
batch 2 on 13-15 February 2023 (Seruti Material)
batch 3 on 16-17 February 2023 (Susenas Material).
The training program was opened by the Head of BPS Sangihe Islands Regency, Raymond A.E.Kodoati, SE.,M.Sc.

The National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) is an important source of household socioeconomic data in Indonesia. Susenas data results have been widely used by various groups, both at home and abroad. Therefore, the continuity of the availability and quality of Susenas data must be maintained and improved.

The quality of survey data is influenced by two things, namely sampling error and non-sampling error. Quality data must have the lowest sampling error and non-sampling error. In an effort to obtain quality data from a low non-sampling error side, then in its implementation (data collection) it is necessary to have officers who are responsible and able to carry out the data collection properly, so that there is a need for staff training as a provision for officers to go to the field.


The holding of Susenas and Seruti Officer Training in March 2023 has the following main objectives:

Producing officers who have an understanding of the concepts and definitions of Susenas and Seruti March 2023;
Produce officers who understand the documents used in the March 2023 Susenas and Seruti data collection;
Producing officers who understand SOP in the implementation of Susenas and Seruti in March 2022;
To produce officers who are able to properly collect data on Susenas and Seruti in March 2022.


For Sangihe Islands Regency, the March 2023 Susenas data collection includes 570 households in the regular census block, excluding those living in special census blocks, such as military complexes and the like, as well as special households in the regular census block. Sample households were enumerated using the Susenas Cor questionnaire (VSEN23.K) and the Consumption/Expenditure questionnaire (VSEN23.KP).
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