Training for 2023 Farmer Welfare Survey Officers (SKP). - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Sangihe Regency

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Training for 2023 Farmer Welfare Survey Officers (SKP).

Training for 2023 Farmer Welfare Survey Officers (SKP).

August 10, 2023 | BPS Activities

Thursday (10/08), BPS Sangihe Islands Regency conducted a 2023 Farmer Welfare Survey (SKP) Officer Training at the Hayana Hotel. The training activities were attended by a total of 14 prospective officers and 1 national instructor and were held for 2 effective days in 1 batch from 10 August to 11 August 2023. The training was opened by the Head of BPS Sangihe Islands Regency, Raymond A.E. Kodoati, SE., M.Sc. 
In his presentation, he said that the SKP could produce data that could be used for the preparation of the Farmer's Welfare Index and also obtain information on the socio-economic characteristics of agricultural households. He also reminded prospective officers to continue probing respondents, so that information on headcount ratio, intensity, and percentage of prosperous agricultural households could be obtained from this data collection. In addition, after the SKP activities are completed, there is still one major activity that will be carried out by BPS, namely Complete Data Collection on Cooperatives and SMEs (KUMKM). 
He advised prospective officers to improve the quality of data collection so that BPS could consider using SKP officers for the Complete Data Collection of Cooperatives and SMEs (KUMKM).
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