Training for National Labor Force Survey Officers (SAKERNAS) August 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Sangihe Regency

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Training for National Labor Force Survey Officers (SAKERNAS) August 2023

Training for National Labor Force Survey Officers (SAKERNAS) August 2023

August 1, 2023 | BPS Activities

Tuesday (01/08), BPS Sangihe Islands Regency conducted the August 2023 National Labor Force Survey Officers Training (SAKERNAS) at the Hayan Hotel. The training activities were attended by a total of 35 prospective officers and 1 regional instructor and were held for 2 effective days in 2 batches from 1 August to 4 August 2023. The training was opened by the Head of BPS Sangihe Islands Regency, Raymond A.E. Kodoati, SE., M.Sc. In his presentation, he said that Sakernas produces data related to employment such as the number of working and unemployed people, the number of people looking for work, work experience, and others. He also reminded prospective officers to continue probing respondents, so that residents should not be included in the Work Force but are instead included in the Non-Work Force. In addition, after the Sakernas activities are completed, BPS will carry out one major activity, namely the Census of Cooperatives and SMEs (KUMKM). He advised prospective officers to improve the quality of data collection so that BPS could consider using Sakernas officers for the Census of Cooperatives and SMEs (KUMKM).
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