Implementation of the Regsosek Public Consultation Forum (FKP) Regsosek - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Sangihe Regency

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Implementation of the Regsosek Public Consultation Forum (FKP) Regsosek

Implementation of the Regsosek Public Consultation Forum (FKP) Regsosek

May 2, 2023 | BPS Activities

Tuesday (02/05) the implementation of the Public Consultation Forum (FKP) has started in 167 Villages/Kelurahan in Sangihe Islands Regency. Prior to implementing the FKP, Assistant Facilitator officers together with all Camats held a Facilitator Coordination Meeting which was attended by all Village Heads/Lurah in each sub-district to coordinate the implementation of FKP in each area where later the Village Head/Lurah would become the Facilitator during the FKP.
The Public Consultation Forum (FKP) in each Village/Kelurahan will be attended by all Heads of Protection/RT Heads, 3 community leaders, Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas, Facilitators (Village Heads/Lurah or representatives), 2 Assistant Facilitators (BPS Employees/Partners), and 1 Administrator (BPS Partner). The Public Consultation Forum (FKP) will be held from 2 May 2023 to 21 May 2023 and will be held simultaneously in all regions of Indonesia.
FKP itself aims to verify the results of the 2022 Research and Research Preliminary Data Collection on the Head of the RT/Head of Lindongan and Community Leaders who are considered to know the daily conditions of local residents. The verification carried out relates to the level of family welfare from the results of the 2022 Research and Research Preliminary Data Collection.
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