Ceremony to commemorate the 144th National Awakening Day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepulauan Sangihe Regency

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Ceremony to commemorate the 144th National Awakening Day

Ceremony to commemorate the 144th National Awakening Day

May 20, 2022 | Other Activities

year. Friday, May 20, 2022 at BPS Sangihe Islands Regency carried out a flag ceremony in commemoration of the 144th National Awakening Day 2022. The ceremony began at 08.00 WITA, in the office yard. This ceremony carries the theme "Let's Rise Together". As a form of appeal so that we can rise together from the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the last two years. The ceremony was led by the Head of BPS for the Sangihe Islands Regency, Bpk. Raymond E. Kodoati, Se., M.Si (Mr. Raymond).
In the remarks of the Minister of Communication and Informatics, which was read by Mr. Raymond that harkitnas is one of the important warnings for the Indonesian people. Harkitnas is commemorated to remember the momentum of the struggle of the Indonesian people which was marked by the birth of an organization called Budi Utomo in 1928, so we should not only interpret this harkitnas ceremonially, but also understand the essence of the history of national awakening.
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